
As part of this project, the filmmaker Jen Gilomen and doula Davon Crawford featured in the film are collaborating on a birth stories podcast and portrait series in partnership with advisor Bria Bailey and Black Women Birthing Justice. The podcast series will share birth stories from community members along with commentary and resources from birth justice advocates. The series is in production in 2023 and will be released in conjunction with the film’s outreach campaign in 2024.

Share Your Story

If you have a birth story to share that you think others could benefit from, particularly first-time birthing people and their families, please submit a summary of it here and select how you’d like your story to be shared below. We can accept submissions from anywhere and have the capability to remotely record your stories, which you will receive back as a memory to keep and pass along to your own child(ren).  For participants in the San Francisco Bay Area, we may be able to record your stories in person.  Please submit this form to give us a sense of your story.

Or how you would like to be referred to. Anonymous or first name only is okay
Please share a valid email address so we can reach out to you.
Ideas for how to title your story if sharing with others? Maybe it is something you learned or want others to learn from your story.
Please share whatever you would like about your birth experience.
You may unsubscribe at any time.
Anyone you would like to honor or dedicate your story to?